New to sports?

I am so thankful for my partner.  He is a sports fanatic.  He will watch any sport - on tv, live, rerun - it doesn’t matter, and he seems to automatically know all the rules and plays.  It doesn’t matter if it’s curling, badminton, or football - he’s a certified expert.

I admit it. I was not a huge fan of this talent, at least not until we had kids. And now, man, am I thankful for all his random knowledge about any and every athlete and sport out there. It is especially helpful when one of our kiddos wants to try a new sport.  

He either knows or is happy to research what a kid needs to start in any sport.  I am sure I could ask him right now what kind of ball our kid would need if he wanted to try Sepak Takraw. (The correct answer is rattan or synthetic.)

Not everyone can be this knowledgeable or live with such an accessible resource.  This is why I am sharing some of his advice here.  I hope you find helpful tidbits in this list. And if you have any great tidbits to share, please tag us on your next post, tweet, etc. #turning2sports

  1. Google is your best friend. This sounds pretty basic. However I sometimes find searching the vast knowledge available when searching online can be overwhelming. There are so many websites and opinions.  Not to worry! Keep reading for a more focused search.  

  2. Check out youth organization websites for suggested equipment lists. If you need a more targeted search, this is a great starting point.  Checking out your local youth organization’s website.  Typically there’s a minimum equipment list or suggested starting point.

  3. Get the basics and wait for practice to ask coaches for recommendations. Sometimes the recommended list still leads to a laundry list of options and styles.  He suggests either starting with the one or two items that can get your athlete ready for the first practice, or reaching out to the coach.  See if they have any extras that your athlete can try at practice. This is how we got our son’s first baseball glove!

  4. Hold off on any high price items in case it isn’t their sport. It is so easy to want the best stuff for your kids.  We can all be hypnotized by the newest, the coolest, the snazziest gear.  Speaking from experience: wait.  Think about waiting at least until the second or third season playing the sport.  Or, buy used.

  5. Include your kid in the search and in the decision making. Don’t forget it's about your kiddo! Get their thoughts and opinions on color, style, etc.  The more involved, the more excited they will be for that first practice or game.

Check out our latest gear, and help get your little one ready for their next sport adventure!


New school year… new sportswear?


Some quick tips learned over the years